Monday, April 28, 2008

Hearth Room Cabinets

Hearth Room 2008-04-23 3
Originally uploaded by lander_quill
Fox Cabinets is doing our custom cabinets in the house. The primary ones being the mudroom lockers and the hearth room cabinets.
They showed us drawings with measurements before they started and everything looked good. After they were done Jill looked at them and said, "Are you sure the TV components will fit in those?" She was right, of course. A digital cable box is just over 17 inches. The cabinets are 15 1/2 inches.
The cabinets are fitted with adjustable shelves so I believe the solution is going to be to take out the top middle portion and just put in an adjustable shelf that spans the entire cabinet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this Jamie Sobczyk from Gross High '89?

if so, send me an email sometime: jos{dot}trem{at}

best regards from Texas!