Friday, September 21, 2007

Thomas David...doesn't he make hamburgers?

When we decided to build a new house we wanted to make sure that it was OUR house, meaning we wanted to have complete control over every little piece of the house. Since we don't know anything about building houses that means very little.
What we did know was that we wanted a floorplan that we chose instead of just choosing from a handful of floorplans. We looked at floorplans on dozens of web sites and went through a seemingly endless number of magazines looking for the "right" floorplan. We had seen a house with a nice open living area where the living room, breakfast nook and kitchen were open to one another but still felt like they were their own distinct rooms.
Finally, we went through the Spring Parade of Homes and came across a house that we really liked. It wasn't really the house itself, or the floorplan, it was just the way it was built and the little things about the house that said that this builder cared about what he did.
Enter Dave. We met with Dave, of Thomas David Fine Homes and instantly clicked. He seemed to understand exactly what we were looking for and drew up a floorplan based on our multiple converstations that we love. We've already run into a few snags in the pre-construction process but with Dave's advice, we've been able to deal with them relatively stress free.

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