Thursday, October 11, 2007


We closed on the construction loan yesterday afternoon. The new lot is paid for so Dave was able to get the survey. He ran over this morning to apply for the permits. Right now they estimate 3 weeks for the permits to be issued. In the mean time, the surveyers can get out to the lot and stake the borders. Dave will also be able to figure out the elevation of the house. The land slants from the back 186th street-side corner down to the front Nina street-side corner. Hopefully this will mean that we can have a side-daylight basement window.
We were excited during the signing of the documents all the way up to the "Truth in Lending" document. That's the one that says how much money you'll have paid the bank at the end of your loan. Wow! I really didn't need to know that number.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the address of the new lot? Or did I miss that somewhere? ~Mark