Friday, May 2, 2008

Front Porch Issues

House 2008-04-23 2
Originally uploaded by lander_quill
Our front yard is apparently too muddy for the cement truck to get up to pour the front porch. They've tried a couple time now and get stuck about half way up. The theory as to why this is happening is as follows. The dirt used to build up this area was frozen when it was moved and was loosely compacted. It has also been raining about once a week for a while now. The combination of this, and the pressure of the heavy truck is crating the perfect storm to create a muddy mess.
The solution is going to be to excavate a large portion of the front yard and replace it with dry soil, compacting it a bit as they fill it in. This will do a couple of things. First it will allow the truck to get up and pour the concrete. Second, it will create a hard-packed surface to facilitate water run-off away from the front of the house.
Not sure when this is happening, all I know is, soon.

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